Tashi Delek

Welcome to the Snow Lion Gallery - Thankas, Mandalas and Buddhist Statues.

Willkommen in der Galerie Schneelöwe - Thangkas und buddhistische Statuen

We are committed to furthering traditional Tibetan religious Art!

Wir pflegen die traditionelle Religionskunst Tibets!

Thangkas & Mandalas

Thangkas, Mandalas                           Thangkas Deutsch

Enjoy our Thangkas here - Eingang zu unseren Thangkas

Global Thanka Shipping!

Please also note:

Emergency Funding for HAR

(HAR) is asking for your help now! We are organizing a fundraiser and we need your support. Will you pitch in so that we can continue to create and expand our comprehensive database of Himalayan art? Please donate today and share this fundraiser with your friends and family. Thank you.

HAR's GoFundMe link is

Kurze Einführung in die Ikonen- und Meditationsmalerei tibetischer Thangkas und Mandalas: Thangkas

Thangkas Traumthangkas Statuen
Datenschutz Impressum AGB